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Entries open for this year’s Ian McCrae award

Dr Ian McCrae was a very well-respected and widely liked air quality practitioner who worked for TRL. He made significant contributions to the understanding of emissions from transport and their links with air quality. In his honour, the IAQM will present the Ian McCrae Award to an IAQM Associate or Member in the early stages of their career (approximately the first ten years) for the best essay submission to the question below.
The winner will be presented with a trophy at the Early Careers virtual meet-up on 10th November and will be featured on a dedicated IAQM and IES news story.
Submit an essay (maximum 650 words) on the following topic:The outbreak of COVID-19 led to unprecedented changes in living and working patterns of our society. As a result, many people and places now experience different exposure to air pollution. What new policies, tools and strategies should be introduced to produce long-term benefits to the indoor and outdoor environments in terms of air quality?
Judges will be looking for well written and argued submissions; there is no right or wrong answer. The winner will ideally be available to attend the Early Career virtual meet-up on the 10th November.
Are you are an IAQM Associate or Full member in the first 10 years of your career? Then enter for your chance to win this prestigious title.
Submit your entry via email to Ethny Childs by 10am on Friday 23rd October.Good luck!