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Join an IAQM working group

Help shape the air quality sector and join an IAQM working group. You will have the opportunity to work with fellow air quality professionals on topical issues, support best practice in the sector, and gain valuable professional development opportunities. 

Working groups are set up for a variety of reasons, including leading IAQM work on new guidance, guidance updates and topical issues within air quality. 

Ongoing functions for each working group includes annual reviews of the information and guidance published by IAQM for members related to that working group.

To do this the working groups may complete the following tasks:

  1. Produce a member survey to get input from all members.
  2. Produce a summary briefing for Committee on what issues are raised and the level of update (if any) required to address different issues. The outcome will define if: a) no updates are required, b) a minor update is required, c) a major update is required.
  3. Produce guidance/information based on a review by the Committee on the level of update recommended to be most beneficial to members.

IAQM seeks to engage with relevant organisations and parties for their insights and expertise and collaborates with other professional bodies on guidance development where appropriate. 

How can I join a group?

Details of all the new and existing IAQM working groups are provided below. If you are interested in joining a group please get in touch ( and provide the following: 

  • A brief overview of your relevant expertise 
  • A short expression of interest (500 words max) outlining why you want to join the group and what you can contribute

IAQM Working Groups

New group: Land-use Planning and Development Control Guidance

This working group will focus on guidance and information in relation to planning. This will be your opportunity to help steer the future approach to assessment over the next decade. 

Firstly, IAQM are looking to review, and if needed update, the 2017 Land-use planning and development control guidance document. The IAQM is excited to be working with the IES’s new Environmental Policy Implementation Community (EPIC) on this review. 

The expected time commitment for this review would be 0.5-2 days per person over quarter 3 of 2024.

Secondly, IAQM are looking to develop some useful guidance on what to expect from an air quality assessment with the intended audience being local authority officers.

New group: Air Quality Neutral Guidance 

This working group will focus on guidance and information in relation to the Greater London Authority’s air quality neutral guidance.

The intention is to produce a short briefing document for IAQM members to address some of the questions raised by members carrying out AQN assessments.  

New group: Mineral Dust Guidance 

This working group will focus on guidance and information in relation to mineral dust. IAQM are looking to review and update the Guidance on the Assessment of Mineral Dust Impacts for Planning by the end of 2024. 

Existing  group: Climate Change

This working group focuses on interdisciplinary engagement. As many IAQM members also carry out work in relation to climate change the group looks to develop and support IAQM members working in this area, and ensure air quality considerations are included in climate action. 

Read previous Insights Articles from this group 

Existing group: Modelling Good Practice Guidance

This group will look at ongoing updates to the upcoming modelling guidance. 
The guidance will be reviewed twice yearly for updates and suggestions from members. 

Existing group: Odour guidance

This group will look at ongoing updates to the guidance on the assessment of odour for planning – the next update is due shortly. The guidance will be reviewed annually for updates and suggestions from members. 

Existing group: Construction Activities

This group will look at ongoing updates to the construction dust and monitoring guidance. The guidance will be reviewed annually for updates and suggestions from members.