Author Archives

Applications invited for the 2016 IAQM Ian McCrae Award

The aim of the 2016  IAQM Ian McCrae award is to recognise significant contributions to the air quality management community and, in particular,  the work of  practitioners. This award will be given to an individual member who can provide evidence that their contribution has made a difference. Examples may include: Development of an air quality impact assessment tool ...

Air quality inside the European Union

As the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union draws closer, we decided to investigate the views of IAQM members on this issue. Dr Claire Holman, Chair of the IAQM, explores the results of this survey, and the implications of this vote for air quality in the UK. It is conventional thinking that being ...

Changes to Construction Guidance

The IAQM Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction has been updated to reflect inconsistencies in Table 3: Sensitivity of the Area to Human Health Impacts. In the original table there was no differentiation for medium sensitivity receptors based on the annual mean PM10 concentration, which lead to some inconsistencies. The table now ...

New Minerals Guidance Launched

IAQM have launched new Guidance on the Assessment of Mineral Dust Impacts for Planning. The Guidance was launched at an event at the ARUP London Offices on 24th May. Air quality professionals are frequently required to assess dust impacts from mineral sites, particularly as part of the planning process, and there is currently little government guidance ...

IAQM supports MPs’ calls for urgent action and coherent plan to improve air quality

The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) supports many of the recommendations in the ‘Air Quality’ report of the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) committee, released today. The report recognises that air pollution represents a “public health emergency” and calls for coordinated Government action now to tackle this problem across the ...