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Applications invited for the 2016 IAQM Ian McCrae Award

Ian_McCrae_2016 The aim of the 2016  IAQM Ian McCrae award is to recognise significant contributions to the air quality management community and, in particular,  the work of  practitioners. This award will be given to an individual member who can provide evidence that their contribution has made a difference. Examples may include:
  • Development of an air quality impact assessment tool that is freely available for use by practitioners;
  • Development of a new robust monitoring technique;
  • Success in persuading public or private sector organisations to trial an innovative emission control technique; and
  • Development of an air quality communication tool.
These examples are just that, and there are likely to be other types of project that would meet the aim of the award. Applicants will need to submit the following information (maximum 450 words) to
  1. Name
  2. Contact details
  3. Description of the project
  4. Evidence of the impact on the air quality management community / work of practitioners
  5. Two testimonials, with contact details (including telephone numbers), confirming that the individual did the work / or in the case of a team effort, made the major contribution, and that the description of the project and the evidence of impact is correct.
Members may submit their own application, or on behalf of another member.  All grades of IAQM Membership may apply although where there is difficulty in differentiating the merits of two applications, preference will be given to Associates, to encourage those who are early in their career. The winner and runner-up will be presented with an Award at the Routes to Clean Air Conference Dinner in Bristol on 11th October. The closing date for applications is the 9th September, 2016.