Author Archives

IAQM Chair’s thoughts on the petrol and diesel ban

The IAQM’s Chair, Dr Claire Holman, has responded to news that the Government will be banning the sale of new diesel and petrol cars in the UK from 2040. For many years the IAQM have highlighted the unacceptable levels of urban air pollution produced by diesel cars and the need for the UK to urgently seek ...

IAQM reponds to Defra’s 2017 Air Quality Plans

The Government's revised Air Quality Plan was released on the 5th May, after a High Court judge ruled that publication could not be delayed until after the General Election purdah period. The Government was required to prepare these revised plans, after ClientEarth won their second High Court case in November 2016 arguing that previous plans were ...

IAQM reaches membership milestone

We are very pleased to announce that in June the IAQM’s membership reached 400 members. When the organisation was founded in 2002, we estimated that there were 400 individuals working in the whole air quality profession in the UK.  Over the past fifteen years the profession has expanded, and there is no doubt that the Institute ...

Entries for the Ian McCrae Award are now open!

Dr Ian McCrae was a very well respected and widely liked air quality practitioner who worked for TRL. He made significant contributions to the understanding of emissions from transport and links with air quality. Tragically he died suddenly in February 2010 aged 46. The annual Ian McCrae award is presented to an IAQM Associate Member or ...

IAQM disappointed by delay to Government’s Air Quality Plan

The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) is disappointed that the Government has not met the High Court’s deadline to publish the consultation draft of its 2017 Air Quality Plan. In November, after a case was brought by the environmental law charity ClientEarth, the High Court ruled that the Government’s 2015 Air Quality Plan did not ...