We are very pleased to announce that in June the IAQM’s membership reached 400 members.
When the organisation was founded in 2002, we estimated that there were 400 individuals working in the whole air quality profession in the UK. Over the past fifteen years the profession has expanded, and there is no doubt that the Institute has become the representative voice of air quality professionals in the UK.
From humble beginnings, the IAQM has grown to offer a wide range of services for members at all stages of their careers, publishing a range of guidance and position statements and running two major annual conferences: the Dispersion Model Users Group (DMUG) and Routes to Clean Air (RTCA).
Claire Holman, IAQM Chair, marked this historic milestone by saying:
“Over the past 15 years air quality has become recognised as a profession. An increasing number of young people are opting to work in this field and enjoying the challenges; while the growing public awareness has helped our clients realise its importance. We expect to continue to grow over the next 15 years”.