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Insights Article: What can air quality learn from net zero?

In 2022 the IAQM launched a Climate Change Working Group, with the aim to explore how air quality and climate change issues can be more closely integrated and how members can be supported and engaged on this topic. As part of this work the Working Group is publishing a series of Insights Articles to stimulate thought and discussion on topics related to air quality and climate change. 

The latest article, authored by Jamie Clayton, explores his views on the lessons that can be learnt from the net zero agenda and how they can be applied by the air quality community to galvanise change and engage a wider audience with the cause. 

Read the article

You can also catch up on our previous Insights Article, authored by Xiangyu (Sian) Sheng, which explored the synergies between improving climate change and air quality and asked “How can both win?”

How can I get involved? 

If you are a member of the IAQM and are interested in this area, please get in touch if you would like to join the working group or have any topics that you would like to see explored. The Working Group will also be hosting a number of events over the year and we encourage all members to get involved and join the discussion.