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Horizon scanning: Air quality policy

The IAQM has published a briefing paper on air quality policy to support the IAQM membership in understanding and engaging with policy developments in the sector.This is a briefing paper on policy relating to air pollution and indoor and ambient air quality. In recent years, the importance of air pollution has been increasingly recognised, with ...

IAQM responds to Defra’s draft Air Quality Strategy

Defra closed its consultation on the draft revised Air Quality Strategy on the 21st April, after opening on the 11th April. Comments received in the consultation will be used to to help inform the final Air Quality Strategy due to be published later this year. The Air Quality Strategy sets out the actions the government expects ...

Congratulations to the year’s Ian McCrae Award winner Julian Mann!

Julian Mann was named the winner of this year’s Ian McCrae Award at Routes to Clean Air on the 27th September. This year, entrants were asked to submit an essay on the following topic: To what extent could a higher frequency of heatwaves affect ambient air quality in the UK – particularly in urban areas – as ...

Air quality and climate change: How can both win?

This article is the first thought piece published on the IAQM website. These thought pieces are designed to provide a view on topical issues affecting those working in air quality. This thought piece has been authored by Dr Xiangyu Sheng, IAQM Committee member and member of the IAQM Climate Change Working Group. Although climate change and ...

Entries open for this year’s Ian McCrae Award

Dr Ian McCrae was a very well-respected and widely liked air quality practitioner who worked for TRL. He made significant contributions to the understanding of emissions from transport and their links with air quality. In his honour, the IAQM will present the Ian McCrae Award to an IAQM Associate or Member in the early stages of their career (approximately the first ten ...