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Entries open for this year’s Ian McCrae award

Dr Ian McCrae was a very well respected and widely liked air quality practitioner who worked for TRL. He made significant contributions to the understanding of emissions from transport and links with air quality. In his honour, this year the award will be presented to an IAQM Associate or Member in the early stages of ...

IAQM membership reaches new heights

We are pleased to announce that in June the IAQM's membership has surpassed 500 members. Almost two years ago to the day we passed the 400-member-marker and the continued growth seen over the last two years has been outstanding. When founded in 2002, the IAQM estimated that there may only be around 400 professionals working ...

Ambient Pollution Removal Techniques position statement open for comments

The IAQM considers the reduction of emissions at source or the reduction in exposure to pollution to always be preferable to the use of any technique that purports to remove pollutants from the air by active or passive means. Before an investment is made in any solution of this kind, a thorough appraisal of the ...

World Environment Day Reflections on Air Quality – A View from our Chair

IAQM Chair, Claire Holman FIAQM, shares her reflections on key challenges within the air quality sector. There is currently unprecedented interest in air quality across the world, as evidence of its adverse effects deepens. Yet the car industry and its suppliers remain blinkered. Twice in recent months, I have talked to two industry employees. One I ...