Author Archives

Chair’s Column – January

Can I start by wishing all members a happy and successful New Year. The year that the European Commission declared to be the ‘Year of Air’ is now behind us, but there is much to look forward to in 2014 in the world of air quality and the IAQM will play its part. In the past ...

Guidance on the assessment of dust out for consultation

Your chance to feed into the Guidance IAQM guidance on the 'Assessment of the Impacts of Construction on Air Quality and the Determination of their Significance' was issued in December 2011. It was always our intention to update the guidance based on Members’ experience of using it. As a result of the voluntary contribution of the ...

Defra LAQM consultation

In 2013 Defra undertook a review of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in the UK and proposed four options during the consultation on LAQM in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be considered in consultations under the devolved administrations. The review had four main aims: Local action focused on what is necessary to support air quality ...

IAQM responds to Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance, Mayor of London

The IAQM supports the development of this document and are pleased that the GLA have adopted our approach to the assessment of the risk of dust impacts within the draft SPG. We think the process outlined in the two draft SPGs needs some further simplification to ensure that the impacts are controlled effectively. Our response also ...

IAQM responds to CAA call for evidence

The IAQM supports the review and revision of the Clean Air Act. This legislation has its origins in a time when the control of air pollution was concerned almost exclusively with the burning of coal. Today, the problems of air quality are very different and the management of air quality requires a ...