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Share your air quality management success story at Routes to Clean Air

The Bristol European Green Capital Routes to Clean Air conference invites poster presentations of air quality management success stories. Has your city implemented a novel approach to reducing air pollution? Have you been involved in evaluating the air quality impact of a transport measure? If so, we would like to hear from you. Please email ...

In memory of Dr David Hall

  Dr David Hall, B Eng, PhD, CEng, CMet, CEnv, MRAeS, FRMetS, MIEnvSc, MIAQM It is my sad duty to report the death last Sunday, 22 February of one of our most distinguished members, David Hall. He had been ill for 15 months with cancer. David began his career in engineering and fluid dynamics, gaining a PhD in ...

IAQM Annual General Meeting 2014

The IAQM AGM was held on 11th November at Arup, London. Photos, tweets and a video of the event is available through our Storify of the event. [View the story "IAQM AGM - What should be done to improve air quality?" on Storify]

Chair’s Column – January 2015

We are now one month into 2015, a year that will no doubt see some interesting developments in the world of air quality.   Most obviously, we have a general election in May that is bound to have some ramifications for us, one way or another, and air quality may even feature in the campaigning. This will ...