Author Archives

Chair’s Column – January 2016

Happy New Year to all IAQM members. I would like to thank you for electing me as your new IAQM Chair in November.  I am looking forward to leading the development of the Institute over the next three years.  It will be a difficult job following Roger Barrowcliffe’s successful three-year term.  Our membership continues to grow ...

The truth about diesel cars – open letter

Today, 24 leading air quality practitioners and researchers from 10 countries publish an open letter warning of the dangers of not strengthening legislation around diesel emissions. Timed to coincide with discussions in the European Parliament Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) next week, this letter to the European public and policy makers highlights the public ...

EFRA select committee consultation response

The IAQM has recently submitted evidence to an inquiry of the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee on Defra's role in tackling air quality. The committee wished to investigate how effectively the Department's plans, including Clean Air Zones, will reduce nitrogen dioxide limits to comply with EU limit values, but also how well ...

Consultation Response to Draft Air Quality Plans

The IAQM has recently responded to a Defra's Air Quality Action Plans. The consultation sought views on draft plans to improve air quality. The IAQM proposes that the test to be applied to the draft plans should be "whether the UK Government is proposing new and improved measures that will meet this requirement of achieving compliance as ...