Author Archives

New LAQM tools released by Defra

The new Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) assessment tools are now available online. The Environment Act 1995 and associated regulations established the local air quality management system, under which all local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland are required to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas against objectives for several pollutants of particular ...

Laurence Lovell wins 2017 Ian McCrae award

The first day of this year’s Routes to Clean Air conference concluded with the much-anticipated conference dinner and the presentation of the annual Ian McCrae award. Every year the award is given to an IAQM member who has demonstrated their commitment to the air quality profession. This year the award was open to IAQM Associates or Members ...

Updates on MCPD legislation

Defra have circulated details of draft legislation to transpose the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) and introduce emission controls for certain generators in England and Wales, to stakeholders. This draft statutory instrument - the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2017 - will be laid before Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales, together ...

STOR interim position statement open for comments

The IAQM considers that assessment of the impact of emissions from STOR-type plant cannot be disregarded on the basis of limited operating hours. It is also important that emission rate data appropriate to the proposed plant are applied in assessing both long-term and short-term exposure. The IAQM has published a position statement on 'Assessment of Air Quality ...

New London Environment Strategy to replace 2010 Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy

On the 11th August the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched his draft Environment Strategy for consultation. A public consultation on the plans is open until 17th November. The Mayor's office states that for the first time these plans combine strategies for each aspect of London's environment, including air quality, into one holistic document. Alongside air ...