The IAQM considers that assessment of the impact of emissions from STOR-type plant cannot be disregarded on the basis of limited operating hours. It is also important that emission rate data appropriate to the proposed plant are applied in assessing both long-term and short-term exposure.
The IAQM has published a position statement on ‘Assessment of Air Quality Impacts from STOR facilities and other limited-hours-of-operation plant’.
The IAQM issues position statements on matters that could affect the way in which Members carry out their professional tasks and on air quality topics and issues where the IAQM can provide a unique perspective from which to give a professional opinion.
Interim papers published for comment from members before a final version is produced. If you have any comments, please send these to info@iaqm.co.uk before 7th November.
Download the interim statement (pdf)
Picture source: Original uploader Analogue Kid via Wikipedia Commons