As a result of the voluntary contribution of the members of a working group, the IAQM has produced
Guidance on the assessment of odour for planning.
Guidance on the assessment of odour for planning.
Some guidance on odour assessment is already available from national Government, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Environment Agency (EA). However, none of this specifically provides guidance applicable for planning purposes. This IAQM document has been prepared to assist practitioners involved in odour assessment for planning.
Odour is an issue that air quality professionals are frequently required to assess, particularly in respect to planning. Odour impacts may be assessed when considering a planning application for an activity that may release odours or when a sensitive use is being proposed near to an existing odorous process (known as ‘encroachment’). Typical examples of potentially odorous activities are sewage works, intensive animal rearing, processing of animal remains, solid waste management (for example composting) and some industrial processes.