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Chair’s Column – October

roger_barrowcliffeIt will shortly be the IAQM AGM, to be held on 11 November, 2pm at the London Arup offices. This is the time for members to provide the committee with some much welcome feedback on what we have achieved this year, and to also offer suggestions as to what you might like to see us doing in the future. If you think you might like to be more involved in making the IAQM a better professional institute for us all, then do consider putting yourself forward for the new committee!

After we have completed the formal business, we will be holding a discussion on the state of UK air quality, with a focus on the work of the Environmental Audit Committee. which has been gathering evidence in recent months. We are privileged to have the Chair of the Committee, Joan Walley, and a member, Stephen Knight, speaking at this event, to give us their views on how we might address the serious air quality issues we face. Also on the platform will be Ruth Calderwood (City of London) who will be presenting a local authority perspective. Our intention is to facilitate a discussion on the multitude of problems and consider what needs to be done to solve them. 

This is an excellent opportunity for IAQM to engage with politicians on our own subject and I would urge you to find the time to attend if you can. I do realise, of course, that this will be more convenient for some than others, given work pressures and travel implications for some members. 

Only slightly further into the future is our annual DMUG meeting on 2 December. We have a very strong line up of speakers for DMUG this year with some more speakers yet to be added. It promises, as usual, to be a rewarding day out for everyone with an interest in the area of dispersion modelling.

Early bird registration ends on the 31st October, so if you want to take advantage of a reduced price, please book this week. 

RSVP to Emma Fell to secure your place for either one of these events. We look forward to seeing you there.