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Clean Air Strategy 2018 consultation

IAQM seeks members’ views on new government strategy On the 22nd May the Government published a draft of it’s Clean Air Strategy 2018, and launched a consultation on the plans. The draft strategy outlines the Government’s ambitions relating to “reducing air pollution in the round, making our air healthier to breathe, protecting nature and boosting the economy”. The strategy has been developed by the UK Government. However, air quality is a devolved matter, so the document primarily refers to how the Government will work towards reductions in England, although the need for effective co-operation with the devolved administrations is emphasised. This consultation closes on the 14 August 2018. The IAQM committee will be preparing a submission to this consultation and seeks the views of members to inform its submission. To inform the committee’s submission, please send comments or evidence to by 13th July 2018. Please include comments in the body of the email or in an attached MS Word document wherever possible (avoiding pdfs).
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