Author Archives

IAQM responds to CAA call for evidence

The IAQM supports the review and revision of the Clean Air Act. This legislation has its origins in a time when the control of air pollution was concerned almost exclusively with the burning of coal. Today, the problems of air quality are very different and the management of air quality requires a ...

IAQM responds to Sustainable Design and Construction SPD

The IAQM have written to the GLA in response to their draft London SPD, which includes several elements that will assist with air quality management. The Institute broadly support the aims of the SPD and believe it will assist in achieving better air quality in London. We suggest several areas where it could be improved. Read ...

Ian McCrae Travel Award closing soon

Entries to the 2013 Ian McCrae Travel Award should be submitted before the 1st November. The annual award of up to £1000 is open to early career professionals to attend an air quality conference or training course in the UK or abroad. The prize money can be put towards the cost of the conference fee, ...

IAQM calls for new Air Quality Strategy

The IAQM have written to Lord De Mauley calling for a new updated Air Quality Strategy. The current Strategy was published in 2007 before the 2008 Air Quality Directive was adopted. Since then there has been growing evidence both of the failure the European directives to reduce exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxides for some vehicle classes, ...

Chair’s Column: September 2013

We are now more than three quarters of the way through the EU’s ‘year of air’. So far, it has proved to be quite eventful, although not in the way I imagined in January. Much has happened, with the courts and Government being prominent in a series of events that have occupied our minds. The ...