Author Archives

IAQM responds to the draft Clean Air Strategy 2018

The IAQM has responded to Defra’s consultation on the draft Clean Air Strategy 2018, which was published on 22 May 2018.After inviting member comments and submissions in response to the consultation questions, the IAQM committee has prepared a response. The submission welcomes the strategy, which has been called for by the IAQM for several years, ...

Consultation opens on Guidance on Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites v2.0

First published in 2012, the IAQM Guidance on Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites has now been updated, taking into account the feedback received from the users of the original document and to make reference to newly available monitoring equipment. This version also includes a new case study, providing examples of good or poor practice of locating ...

Update to Guidance on the assessment of odour for planning

This Guidance was originally published by IAQM in 2014. In keeping with general IAQM principles, it is prudent to review such guidance after a period of time to ensure that it is up to date and still represents best practice. The amendments, which are tracked and explained in a change log at the beginning of ...

Dealing with uncertainty in vehicle NOx emissions – update to position statement

The IAQM’s position statement, Dealing with Uncertainty in Vehicle NOx Emissions within Air Quality Assessments, originally published in October 2016, has been updated.The amendments, which are tracked and explained in a change log at the end of the document, are primarily to reflect changes to other external documents and procedures.All IAQM position statements can be downloaded ...