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Reviewing Guidance on Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites
This Guidance was published by IAQM in 2012. In keeping with general IAQM principles, it is prudent to review such guidance after a period of time to ensure that it is up to date and still represents best practice. Accordingly, the original Working Group has been reformed, with some additional members, and we intend to prepare a revised document for consultation later this year.
In undertaking this review, we wish to seek any views from the wider IAQM membership, to better understand how (and if) the Guidance has been used in practice, what (if any) issues have arisen, and what shortcomings (if any) there are.
We know that things have moved on considerably in the world of monitoring systems, and there is emerging evidence on Site Action Criteria and QA/QC methods that should be applied, and these areas will be carefully considered.
If there are any issues you wish to raise on the Guidance, I would be grateful if you send your comments at the earliest opportunity, and before 25 January 2017 at the latest. Comments can be sent to If you could make specific reference to which section of the Guidance you are referring to, that would assist in tracking the comments.