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IAQM Responds to Scottish LES Consultation

The IAQM has recently responded to a Scottish Government consultation on a new draft Low Emission Strategy (LES) for Scotland. The draft strategy has been produced by the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), with input from a wide range of other stakeholders. The Scottish Government states thatThe purpose of the Low Emission Strategy is to draw together the various policies being implemented and developed across a range of central and local government portfolios which have the potential to improve air quality, and present these within a coherent overall framework, setting a new refocused agenda for action. The Strategy sets out the contribution that better air quality can make to sustainable economic growth and quality of life for the citizens of Scotland.” Based on the collective experience of IAQM members in Scotland and elsewhere, this response sets out the IAQM’s support for the mission, aims and objectives of this Strategy and makes recommendations for adjustments and improvements where appropriate. A first stage of consultation was held in early 2014, in the form of a series of workshops. Following this second consultation stage, the Scottish Government plans to publish the final version of the LES some time this year. Download the IAQM response here.