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Submit an abstract for DMUG 2024

The IAQM is preparing an exciting programme for the next Dispersion Modelling User Group (DMUG) conference which will be held in London on 25th April 2024, and we would like your input!

We are calling for abstract submissions from potential speakers on topics that are of emerging interest and relevance, both from within our membership and wider communities.


The topics we are looking to cover at the conference include, but are not limited to:
  • Novel applications of Gaussian plume models (e.g. ADMS or AERMOD)
  • Use of Lagrangian models for regulatory assessment
  • Use of Regional Chemical Transport Models in the context of PM2.5 target setting
  • Climate modelling and interactions with local air quality
  • Use of machine learning techniques in an assessment
  • Generating inputs for dispersion models (particularly non-road emissions sources)
  • Talks can be related to any kind of emission sources and pollutants but we welcome examples of non-roads projects, which do not necessarily need be in the UK, but should have a focus on understanding effects on human health or ecological receptors.
We are particularly looking for speakers on topics where scenario testing has been conducted and the outcomes are informative and appropriate to share with attendees.

We are expecting talks to be in the region of 20 to 25 mins (plus time for questions).

As well as the opportunity to showcase your work, discuss technical challenges and connect with peers, each presenter will receive a free place at the conference. If not selected for an oral presentation, there will also be opportunities through the poster presentations in the breakout area.

Submit an abstract using our online form

If you have any questions, please contact Derek Jardine at
Submissions close at midnight on Friday 19th January.