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Horizon scanning: Air quality policy

The IAQM has published a briefing paper on air quality policy to support the IAQM membership in understanding and engaging with policy developments in the sector.

This is a briefing paper on policy relating to air pollution and indoor and ambient air quality. In recent years, the importance of air pollution has been increasingly recognised, with a series of legislative and governance developments. As such, there are multiple opportunities for positive engagement with policy and decision makers.

The paper is intended for IAQM and IES members to encourage awareness of relevant policy issues, support horizon scanning for environmental professionals, and identify opportunities to engage with decision makers and the public on emerging issues linked to air pollution and the wider environmental sciences.

Read the briefing paper 

As the voice of air quality professionals, it is vital that we tap into the knowledge and views of our membership. Therefore, if you are interested in getting involved in developing an IAQM consultation response please do get in touch, or keep an eye on email updates relating to open consultations.