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Call for Evidence – Future PM2.5 concentrations in England

Defra has published a call for evidence on future PM2.5 concentrations in England in preparation for the air quality target setting for the Environment Bill. The Environment Bill will set out legally binding targets for four priority areas, including air quality. The government intends to set two air quality targets relating to fine particulate matter (PM2.5). It is proposed that one target will be based on annual mean concentrations of PM2.5 as stated in clause 2 of the Environment Bill, and the other would be on population exposure reduction. The development of these targets will be informed by evidence and analysis, including input from independent experts.

The Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG), together with the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP), are providing independent technical advice to Defra throughout the development of the air quality targets. At the request of Defra, AQEG is seeking input from the wider research community on future PM2.5 concentrations in England via a Call for Evidence. This information will be used to provide context and interpretation of model runs conducted specifically to inform target setting.

You can read more about the call for evidence here, including the key questions they are gathering evidence on.

Feed into the IAQM’s response

If  you are IAQM member and would like to submit your evidence via the IAQM, please send it by 4th December to Prof. Bernard Fisher who is leading the IAQM response. You can give answers to some of the questions or answer all of them.